Why are Home Insurance premiums on the rise?
The Association of British Insurers claim that the UK home insurance industry paid out £782,000,000 in claims during the second quarter of 2023. We now have the perfect storm as the insurance capacity contracts, insurers withdraw and home insurance premiums increase.
According to Ernst & Young, in 2022 insurers recorded a net combined ratio of 122%. Improvements are expected in 2023 and 2024, with forecasts of 114% and 104% respectively. As a result, home insurance premiums increased by 17% in 2023, with further increases expected this year. The level of home insurance premiums increases could be as much as a third over the next two years, according to the Financial Times.
The mid net worth sector of the market has become particularly challenging: Home & Legacy and Horizon Underwriting both exited due to pricing and capacity challenges; Azur were acquired by Aviva further reducing market access; and Zurich have revised their personal lines distribution strategy to focus exclusively on high net worth clients.
The main factors influencing the market are the high severity weather events impacted by climate change, high inflation and strained supply chains. All combining to drive up home insurers’ losses last year.
We continue to explore the market to ensure we can provide comprehensive solutions for our customers. In the last quarter of 2023, we opened three new insurer agencies and discussions continue with other markets who can provide us with a placement edge.
We expect a similar situation in 2024 exacerbated by the recent flooding and January storms.
As always, if you need to discuss this in any further detail, please let me know.

One mans home is another mans castle